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Beautiful Farm Scene

Ag Insurance Solutions

At Southern AgCredit, we understand risk.  That’s why we offer ag insurance–for livestock and crops–as a risk management tool to help manage your risks on the farm and to help find the best fit for your operation.

With Southern AgCredit Ag Insurance Solutions, You’ll Experience:

Specialized Expertise–Our insurance representatives strictly sell crop and livestock insurance, which allows 100% focus on finding the best policy for your operation.
Individualized Focus–Our representatives provide you with a tailored, one-on-one experience. We are here to design the best risk management plan for you.
Financial Expertise–As a lender, we understand financial risk, and work to protect your working capital, not just your crops or livestock.
Highly Trained Representatives–Our insurance representatives receive annual training on Risk Management Agency (RMA) changes to crop insurance and livestock insurance plans and stay informed throughout the year.

Insurance Products

Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) is federally subsidized protection from numerous causes of loss, including drought, excessive moisture, freeze, disease and more. The availability of coverage may vary by crop, area, and state.

As a benefit to the farmer, we have partnered with several insurance companies, which will allow us to provide a customized coverage option for your operation. Below is a list of some of the insurance products we have to offer:

  • Revenue Protection (RP)
    • RP protects against lower yields, lower prices, or a combination of both. This plan is a comprehensive protection with a specific dollar amount guarantee that covers weather-related causes of loss, certain other unavoidable perils, and price fluctuations.
  • Yield Protection (YP)
    • YP covers for loss of production below a predetermined production guarantee. Insures producers in the same way as APH, except a projected price is used to determine insurance coverage.
  • Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)
    • WFRP provides a risk management safety net for all commodities on the farm (crops and/or livestock) under one policy. This ag insurance plan is tailored for any farm with up to $17 million in insured revenue, including farms with specialty or organic commodities (both crops and livestock), or those marketing to local, regional, farm-identity preserved, specialty, or direct markets.
  • Actual Production History (APH)
    • APH insures against losses due to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, frost, insects and disease. The producer selects both the amount of average yield and the percent of the predicted price to insure based on the crop price established annually by RMA.
  • Area Risk Protection (ARP)
    • ARP provides protection against widespread loss of revenue and yield due to a county-level production loss. Individual farm revenues and yields are not considered under ARPI, and it is possible that your individual farm may experience reduced revenue or reduced yield and not receive an indemnity under ARPI.
  • Crop Hail (CH)
    • Protects against damage due to hail and/or fire. CH can be used in conjunction with MPCI or other comprehensive coverages to reduce the MPCI deductible and offer coverage up to the crop’s actual cash worth. Since coverage is given acre-by-acre, damage to one portion of a farm may be covered even while the other portion of the property is unharmed.
  • Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance (PRF)
    • PRF provides coverage for pasture, rangeland, or forage acreage for haying or grazing livestock.  PRF is an area-based ag insurance program that protects against yield losses caused by low precipitation relative to a historic average on forage produced for grazing or harvesting hay.
  • Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)
    • LRP insures against a decline in livestock market prices. Producers may choose from various coverage levels and insurance periods that help protect against national marketplace volatility.  Insurable livestock include Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, and Swine. LRP uses area pricing to determine indemnities and is offered on a per head basis.

Available to all qualifying producers regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status.

Ag Insurance Solutions Inquiry Form

What type of insurance are you seeking?(Required)
Choose all that apply.
How did you hear about us?
Choose all that apply.

To learn more about other ag insurance plans that are available in our area, please contact our insurance representative.

Contact Southern AgCredit’s Insurance Representative, Whitney Watts, for all your insurance needs.

(601) 499-2850


(601) 499-2850

To learn more about other ag insurance plans available in our area, please contact Southern AgCredit's insurance representative.