Be a Southern AgCredit Director

Annual Election Process

Each year, the nominating committee is responsible for interviewing, recommending and confirming nominees for board director positions. Directors are then elected by stockholders and serve a three-year term.  We encourage every stockholder of the Association to become involved in the election process.

Click here to learn more about the director’s role from the Farm Credit Administration.

Nomination and Election Timeline

August to February: Applications are submitted for Nominating Committee review for director positions

February to April: Nominating Committee reviews potential candidate information and selects a slate of director-candidates

May: Annual Meeting is held

May to June: Voting period

June: Election results are reported

Benefits of Serving on the Board

  • Obtain valuable business skills through training
  • Develop and cultivate leadership understanding
  • Work with other industry individuals
  • Gain exposure and insight to the Association
  • Play a key role in the success of the Association
  • Provide strategic direction through policy making
  • Provide oversight to management
  • Set goals and help the Association reach those goals
  • Help the Association fulfill its cooperative principles and philosophies

The Nominating Committee Process

The nominating committee is comprised of stockholders who own voting stock with the Association. The committee is responsible for identifying, evaluating and nominating at least two willing and qualified candidates for election to the board of directors for Southern AgCredit. The nominating committee is independent of the board and management, and is formed and controlled by the voting stockholders of the Association. Serving on the committee is one of the most important contributions that the Association’s stockholders can render.

Click here to learn more about the Southern AgCredit Nominating Committee.

Click here for a link to regional map. 

Interested in serving on the Board of Directors or the Nominating Committee? Please fill out the form below to begin the process.

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