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Beautiful Farm Scene


Board of Directors

The Southern AgCredit Board of Directors is composed of ten members. Eight directors are customers of Southern AgCredit and are elected by the rest of the voting membership to represent the geographic regions that comprise the association’s lending territory. Two directors are elected by the other members of the board and cannot be customers, stockholders, employees or agents of any Farm Credit institution. At least one outside director is intended to bring specific financial and accounting experience to the board.
Click here to learn more about becoming a Director of Southern AgCredit

  • Bryan “Scott” Bell, Chairman
    Cattle, Poultry and Row-crop Farmer
    Lena, MS
  • Lonnie “Gene” Boykin, Vice Chairman
    Soybean, Corn and Timber Farmer
    Rolling Fork, MS
  • Reggie Allen
    Timber and Cattle Farmer
    Brookhaven, MS
  • Steve Dockens, CPA
    Accounting and Consulting
    Ocean Springs, MS
  • Loyd Dodson
    Cattle Farmer
    Haughton, LA
  • Charles “Allen” Eubanks
    Vegetable Farmer
    Lucedale, MS
  • Jonathan Hollingshead
    Cybersecurity and Information Technology
    Flora, MS
  • John “Paul” Johns, Jr.
    Cattle and Poultry Farmer
    Jonesboro, LA
  • Larry W. Killebrew
    Cotton, Corn, Soybean and Cattle Farmer
    Lexington, MS
  • Kevin Rhodes
    Cattle and Poultry Famer
    Pelahatchie, MS

Senior Management

Southern AgCredit’s Senior Management Team consists of experts from a variety of disciplines, including agricultural finance, banking, customer service, securities, accounting and more.

  • Brent Barry
    Chief Credit Officer
  • Phillip D. Morgan
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Ted Murkerson
    Chief Strategy Officer
  • Ken Hobart
    SVP/Chief Collateral Risk Officer
  • Amanda Hudson
    VP / Chief Information Officer
  • Britny Hester, CPA
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Jeffrey M. Williams
    General Counsel / Legislative Officer

Core Governance Principles

The Southern AgCredit Board of Directors is honored to serve as the governing board in representation of the Association stockholders. The Board deeply understands the Farm Credit mission of Southern AgCredit and the commitment to rural communities and its stockholders. As such, the Board believes its core objectives in its fiduciary duty as a governing body should be formalized and provided for all Board members, employees, stockholders, service providers and agents to review and become aware. Click here to see our Core Governance Principles.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee’s primary objective is to monitor significant developments in the law, regulation and practice of corporate governance. The Committee will also review the duties and responsibilities of directors and assist with the development and implementation of the Association’s corporate governance principles.  The Committee is responsible for areas that pertain to the Board’s development, training, outside director selection process, policy direction, Standards of Conduct issues, and other recommendations to be made to the entire Board relative to Board Governance strategies. Click here to see our Governance Committee Charter.

Audit Committee

Southern AgCredit’s Board of Directors has an independent audit committee. To ensure independence and objectivity, no committee member can be an employee or officer of Southern AgCredit. In addition, to ensure this committee has the expertise needed to carry out this very important Board oversight responsibility, a member of this committee is the outside director who is appointed on the basis of their financial and audit experience. An outside director will always serve as the committee chair. Click here to see our Audit Committee Charter.

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee is a committee of the Board of Directors of Southern AgCredit which shall report only to the Board of Directors. The primary function of the Compensation Committee is assisting the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to matters involving the compensation of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer, to review the compensation policies and plans for senior officers and employees and to approve the overall compensation program for senior officers. Click here to see our Compensation Committee Charter.

Whistle Blower Hotline

A Means for Reporting Wrongful Behavior

The maintenance of high standards for honesty, integrity, impartiality and ethical conduct by employees, directors and agents* is essential to ensure Association performance and to maintain public confidence. The Association needs to know of instances where high standards are not being maintained. If you are aware of fraudulent, unlawful, or unethical behavior by our employees, directors or agents, this hotline may be used to report such information – use the phone number below or click on the link below to submit a report.  The information you provide through this program is strictly confidential, and your right to anonymity is guaranteed. The hotline is NOT a substitute for routine communications within our organization between Associates and their supervisors and managers, particularly as to workplace duties. Likewise, it does not replace communications with HR staff about benefit issues or other job-related issues. The Whistle Blower Hotline is an additional communication tool for specific types of situations, and it is provided because we believe that it is a good business practice to do so. Regular business matters that do not require anonymity should be directed to the employee’s supervisor and should not be submitted using this service. Click here to see our Code of Ethics.

Option 1:

Call the Whistle Blower Hotline at (844) 805-0097
(Toll-free within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada)

Option 2:

File a report at

*Agent is defined by Farm Credit Administration as “any person, other than a Director or Employee of the Association, with the power to act for the Association either by contract or apparent authority and who currently either represents the Association in contacts with third parties or provides professional or fiduciary services to the Association.