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Moseley Meadows
Stories - Apr 10, 2023

Moseley Meadows

Benton and Kate Moseley

Madison County, Mississippi

Benton and Kate Moseley are the owners and operators of Moseley Meadows, an agricultural-focused, family-friendly, agritourism farm in Madison County, Mississippi. The farm features a pumpkin patch, hayride, petting zoo, hay castles, corn pit, and other farm-related attractions.  Currently, they are open every weekend in the month of October, and their operation has become quite a popular place for families in the area to visit.

Benton grew up working on his family’s Christmas tree farm, Santa’s Choice, in Florence. The tree farm was a community favorite, and Benton attributes his current success to learning the importance of hard work at an early age. 

“I loved working on the Christmas tree farm. When I was 15 years old, my family expanded the farm, and I was able to help them run the operation”, said Benton. “It’s been my lifelong dream to own my own land and run an operation of my own.” 

Benton and Kate began Moseley Meadows in Florence and operated the farm on rented land. “We really wanted ownership of the land and also more of it to add more attractions”, said Kate. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a piece of land in Florence that would suit our goals for Moseley Meadows, so we started looking at other locations.” 

The Moseleys found the perfect farm in Madison County and quickly jumped on the opportunity of owning it. 

“There were other financing options, but we were not interested in any other lender besides Southern AgCredit,” said Kate. “It just made sense because Southern AgCredit understands agricultural financing, so it was a natural fit with our business”. 

Benton knew Pate DeMuth, their loan officer at Southern AgCredit, through prior connections and reached out to Pate when they found the land that they wanted to purchase. “Pate has an ag background, and he understood our business model and our unique financing needs. He’s been amazing to work with,” said Benton. 

The Moseleys have lofty goals and aspirations for Moseley Meadows. Their current focus is during the fall when pumpkins are in season. However, they plan to add other activities that can be enjoyed year-round. 

“We want to offer more family-oriented, fun, safe, community events like farm-to-table dinners, farmers markets, and events tailored to educating the younger generation on how to grow food and fiber,” said Benton. “Also, I would love to have Christmas trees at the farm during December.”

Kate’s favorite part of the whole aspect is getting to watch Benton’s dreams and goals become a reality.  She also gets to take part in something that brings families together. Not just families in their local community, but their own as well. 

“When it’s pumpkin season, we all pitch in to help run the farm”, said Kate. “My parents are out on the farm working alongside us, and my sister is helping by running our social media. Benton’s family helps us, too. I love that this farm has brought our families so much closer.”

Benton and Kate have been borrower-owners of Southern AgCredit since buying their Madison County farm in May of 2022.