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Frasier Farms
Stories - Mar 31, 2022

Frasier Farms

Randy, Kathy, Travis and Leslie Frasier

Dubach, LA

Randy Frasier has been in the poultry business for over 30 years. Although this wasn’t where he started, he is proud of where he ended up. Poultry wasn’t the only thing that kept Randy busy. He also had a 30-year career with the City of Ruston, where he managed the city’s water and sewer systems. He’s since retired from the City of Ruston and is semiretired from the poultry business.

“I still go check on the chicken houses each day, and when I see something that needs attention, well, I tell the managers that they need to get to it,” Randy says with a laugh. The managers are Randy’s son and daughter-in-law, Travis and Leslie.

Frasier Farms consists of 29 acres and eight Class A broiler houses in Dubach. Randy built his first four chicken houses in 1990. After Randy retired from the city, he decided to expand his operation. “I thought, well, if I’m going to be in the chicken business, then I need to have more chicken houses.” So, that’s exactly what he did. He added 4 more houses to his poultry operation.

Randy knew Devin Davis, Southern AgCredit’s Ruston branch manager, from a previous job when Devin was in commercial banking. When Devin accepted the job at Southern AgCredit, he was asked if he knew anyone who raised chickens. “I sure do,” said Devin. “Mr. Randy was one of the first people I went to talk to about Southern AgCredit.”

It wasn’t long after this conversation that Randy walked through the doors of the Ruston branch and told Devin he’d like to move all his loans to Southern AgCredit. “Devin is just a good guy, and I like doing business with him and with Southern AgCredit,” Randy says.

Frasier Farms grows larger birds in the 10-pound range for the House of Raeford, their integrator. Their birds are NAE (no antibiotics ever) poultry. The Frasiers see a low mortality rate among their flocks, and their housing specs are in line with Raeford’s guidelines. “We produce a really good breed of chicken and we’re proud of that,” Randy says.

When Travis and Leslie got involved with the business, they decided to add cattle. They now have cows, heifers, calves and one bull. “My grandad always had cows when I was a little boy, and having my own cows was just something I always dreamed of,” says Travis.

Travis and Leslie manage the day-to-day operations of the farm. “My favorite part of all of this is knowing that I am helping to contribute to feeding America,” Leslie says. “That’s very important to us.”

When it comes to Travis, he enjoys being his own boss and working closely each day with his family. Travis and Leslie see their business expanding to hopefully include even more chicken houses in the future.

Randy’s wife, Kathy, works off the farm but is never too far away. “I’ve done my share of cleaning out chicken houses and feeding chickens,” Kathy says. She works in the office furniture business. She recently sold her business, but the new company asked her to stay on for guidance and direction, which she gladly accepted.

Randy is also a world-famous foxhound breeder. His tagline is Faith, Family, Foxhounds. “The good Lord has blessed us and keeps on blessing us,” he says.