Attention Android Users: The ABOL app is under maintenance for Android users ONLY.  We’re working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. In the meantime, please log in to ABOL through our website.  Thank you for your patience!

Community, Latest News - Oct 28, 2020

COVID-19 and Hurricane Relief Assistance Update 10.28.20

Dear Customer-owners,

Southern AgCredit continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the damage caused from several hurricanes that have swept through Mississippi and Louisiana. We continue to provide relief for our customer-owners who were negatively impacted by the pandemic or the storms. We have the following relief options available:

  • Payment deferrals
  • Short-term lines of credit
  • Loan restructures
  • Waived fees for late payments
  • Extending the terms of loan repayments
  • Easing loan documentation or credit-extension terms for new loans

Contact Your Loan Officer to Request Relief

If your operations have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 or recent hurricanes and you want to request relief, we encourage you to reach out to your loan officer. Please keep in mind that all terms of your loan agreement remain unchanged until a formal request is received, required information is provided, an option is approved and processed to completion.

As a reminder, you can access your accounts and services online by using Ag Banking Online. To enroll, visit

Download Southern AgCredit’s Ag Banking Mobile App

You can download our Mobile Banking App on Google Play or the App Store below. We know how critical these online tools are as we help our customers maintain their businesses. 

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If you need assistance with these tools, have questions, or would like support from our team, please contact us by calling your local branch or by calling our customer service line at 800-499-5742.

Although our branches are fully staffed, we continue to remain closed to the public. Thank you for your business, your commitment to agriculture and your trust in Southern AgCredit.

Phillip D. Morgan
Chief Executive Officer