Starting Friday, Feb 14, at 2:45 p.m. through Monday, Feb 17, at 7 a.m., Online Banking will be down due to a system maintenance.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Latest News - Oct 15, 2018

Welcome to the All-New SouthernAgCredit.Com

We are pleased to announce that our new website is live. Our goal with this website is to offer our visitors an easy way to learn about Southern AgCredit. We’ve showcased our financial services and solutions, provided some history of Farm Credit, highlighted our cooperative advantage, including our patronage program, and included sections where you can find our most recent financial reports. We’ve also provided you with a glimpse into what our borrowers are saying about us, and how we’ve helped them along the way to “living life outside the city limits.”

The new website is interactive, and gives users access to conduct land searches in both Mississippi and Louisiana. Our current and prospective borrowers will find useful information about our branch locations in Mississippi and Louisiana, where we serve the southernmost fifty of the state’s eighty-two counties, in addition to the eleven parishes of Northwest Louisiana.

We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, blogs, newsletters, events, company announcements and client successes in the Stories section.

We hope you find the new website fresh and modern; we worked hard to make sure it contains valuable information to assist you in choosing your rural lender. Southern AgCredit, the best financing in the country!

Now that you’re here, feel free to click around! For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please E-mail us.